Color Inspiration #50
Kristina Werner has been a busy girl with real life (which we can all relate to) and all of her followers have been…
A leafy Yoo Hoo!
This was a definite challenge for me from CPS. I don’t know why the angled center had given me such trouble, but once…
Caardvarks Challenge – Trees
Caardvarks’ current challenge requested a tree-themed card. Trees have really peaked my interested lately but had not quite enter my stash. Hmmmmm… guess…
Bring on the challenge…
Time for another CPS challenge. Please visit their site for the sketch image. It has been awhile since I have posted. Amazing how…
Color Inspiration #44
I have been wanting to do one of Kristina Werner’s Color Inspiration Challenges and I guess now is as good of a time…
CPS106 and Caardvarks Card
This card is a 2-for-1 as I am submitting it to both CPS and to the Caardvarks challenges. The Caardvarks challenge was to…
My First Bread Post
I have two hobbies… scrapbooking and baking. I have been scrapbooking for over 5 years now, but baking with a natural starter has…
Mojo Monday 76
I’m getting these cards in at the last minute. Hopefully, I’ll do better next time and not cut it so close. Here is…
CPS105 – yoohoo
This is my entry for this weeks CPS challenge. This is going to be a quick post because it is another one of…